Flat head syndrome is a general term for infants, cranial development of a flat area on the back or the side of the head (deformational asymmetry) leading. The deformation at birth can exist or be obvious after the birth; in the first months of life the child. Are the two recognised the most scientific importance for the most common forms of the syndrome of Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly. Most commonly, the term Plagiocephaly is parietal and where is the length to wide ratio in the normal parameters to describe a downturn on the side of the head in the metropolitan area. Facial asymmetry may be on the forehead and you notice misalignment of the eyes and ears. If the downturn is on the back of the head and the head is wider than usual outside of normal, in this case is the length to wide ratio, this head shape is called brachycephaly.
Causes of the flat head syndrome
Birth of cranial deformities can result from intrauterine restriction, caused by several different factors can be. Positional occurs casting in the womb (in-utero molding) because the inhibited position of the baby in the womb. It is more common in multiple births due to the limited positioning of babies and see their heads. In other cases, abnormalities can the head present at the birth of the result of the birth injury through methods of assisted delivery (intrapartum molding) be. There is also a higher incidence of Plagiocephaly development in infants, which born prematurely, as their heads are much softer. Fortunately improve the majority of these malformations caused in utero or during birth naturally without need of treatment in the first months of life the child. The exception occurs if, for whatever reason, if the child is so positioned that puts more pressure on a particular environmental areas of the head. In this case the syndrome of simple gravitational force can turn a first small Plagiocephalic deformity in a potential long-term problem treatment required deteriorate.
In addition to deformities at birth reported pediatricians increase in the number of children with cranial deformities in recent years, in particular unilateral flattening of the occipital bone at the back of the head. This increase is at least statistically was compared to the substantial decrease in these years pay cot death or SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The connection is assumed that the increase in flat head syndrome parents after the positioning recommendations aimed at the risk of SIDS can be attributed to in particular, the recommendation which should be below placed on their backs for sleep healthy young infants after. The back to sleep advice has sudden infant death considerably reduced and the parents are again encouraged to place their children on the back, while sleeping. However, they should during the day, if the child is awake and parents is with you, so little time as possible allow pressing on the back of the skull of course to spend.
Treatment of flat head syndrome
First treatment includes the pressure on the affected area, known as "Tummy time" to reduce usually the repositioning of the baby on her belly. This should be done for extended periods of time during the day. Furthermore, parents or other areas of interest around them is seek repositioning children's beds and other areas, where the child of her time spent in different directions to see force. It should be noted when the baby cries or have complaints appear is if they are positioned, as this is a problem with neck pain can signal and should be dealt with this possibility as a tightening of the muscles of the neck can be common in infants. This treatment should be continued until the age of 5 to 6 months.
If the problem remains unimproved, parents should treat flat head syndrome with helmet for a child while still less than 18 months old. The ideal time to begin treatment, is 4 to 7 months, but correction can be obtained from treatment up to the age of 14 months. Cranial remoulding helmet (Orthese) can be designed, that painlessly contact over the prominent areas of the skull at the leave protected cavities provide growth for more symmetrical head provides a way for the growth of the affected areas.
Learn more about flat head syndrome
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