Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fibro fog: 5 tips to help Fibro fog and regain control of your life

Fibro is a very real and frustrating Fibromyalgia symptom. It is a State of mental confusion and memory loss, to experience that many people with fibromyalgia at any given time. Fibro fog can by a variety of factors as hormonal fluctuations, sleep disorders, stress, depression or eyestrain be tightened up.

Some examples are feet in a room and forget why you went or if a word on the tip of the tongue. Because there will be no cure of Fibro fog, I some tips on how to successfully manage it to share with you.

Managing Fibro fog

Write everything down:

I used, wear a pad of paper and a pen in my pocket and had sticky notes everywhere. I now use my iPhone as my memory database. Keep information is important because it you helps, remember to do things and it your overall fear of your forgetfulness connected reduces.

For me to, to do lists on my iPhone wish list reminded me of things I need to do. I'm also dates in my phone calendar with a reminder of the car. My calendar looks not like anyone elses. In addition to which reminded me of appointments; reminds me pay bills my calendar, call you friends, I have not talked with in a while, the or give a heartworm pill to my dog.

Treat your symptoms:

Fibro fog is even worse, if your Fibromyalgia symptoms flare. I have experienced debilitating Fibro fog, when I was sleep deprived. I had to say trouble finding the right words and would get lost while driving. After I mean sleep deprivation under control, was my Fibro fog much better.

Get a GPS:

One of the things that people with Fibro fog have difficulties with driving. I get lost drive on roads that I go on every day! The easiest way to deal with, which is to buy a GPS. A new GPS literally speak you about where you go. You can be persistent as you remember the streets should and should buy no GPS. It should be cursed not with fibromyalgia, but they are. Make your life. Let the anger and take the easy way with this one.


Exercise is an important component for getting better. It helps also to disable head. Not sure where I start? Read my ezine article about 10 exercises for fibromyalgia.

Get mentally active:

Did you know that you can work from your brain as you work your muscles? It's time to start your brain a work out. Cross word puzzles to do start and Word finds. Play words with friends or your children in a weekend of Scrabble game.

Other great ways to keep your brain in shape is, turn off your TV and read. TV is a passive hobby, must enter a mentally active. Keep a journal, poems begin to write. You do something that you think requires. Your brain will thank you for it!

Margo is a 32 years old, who has dealt with fibromyalgia for her life. Through years of trial and error, she developed a program that helped her, the pain and has to overcome other symptoms associated with this condition. Their Website- is dedicated to the home even treatment of fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain. We have tips for feeling better, which include dietary changes, medication, alternative therapies, conventional therapies, Stroga, stretching, videos and much more.

View the original article here

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