Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Anatomy of the perfect fat burning workout


Diet comes always first into a fat burning or muscle building Regiment. There are no magic pills, secrets, or links to this fact. There are however, some simple, easy to implement nutrition secrets for the fat burning very fastest.

Work first thing in the morning on an empty stomach: with no burn fuel for a fat burning workout come from the food you eat is the only source of fuel of body fat. Follow the training immediately a meal or a shake/Smoothie carbohydrate, protein and fat. NONE skip this first meal. It is essential for muscle growth, repair and spiritual recovery. More muscles that you have, the faster you burn calories, the faster you lose Fett.Auch, a mixture of coffee and green tea consumed right before the training is a safe and natural fat burning supplement (avoid all fat burning pills, they are not clinically investigated and most are approved by the FDA, not even).After this first meal 5 small meals (3 meals and 2 shakes as I prefer) in the course of the day not more than 3 hours apart should be consumed. This is the well documented diet recipe for success for the fat burning.

Strength training + high intensity interval training

Gone are the days of the traditional long runs. If you want to burn fat without losing muscle and in half of the time of traditional heart, you must return to high intensity interval training (HIIT). Scientific research is only for this form of support fat burning training are piling up. It is one of the few magical, GAG-free techniques in the world of fitness.

HIIT means that the implementation of cardio exercise (cycling, elliptical, run, or swimming) in short bursts all from Sprint slowly and steadily follow rest periods. It should immediately after 20-45 minutes of resistance training (lift weight or weight gym) are performed for an even more potent fat flaring punch.


The very best fat burning workout take no longer than an hour, consisting of 20-45 minutes of the body resistance exercise and only 15 minutes of HIIT. Research suggests that the 50-60 minute offer endocrine and metabolic produces optimal results.

Here is an example for the absolute perfect fat burning training.

Phase resistance: Not more than 60 seconds are rest in be taken between the individual. Choose only one exercise per section per day. Turn exercises, often, to make sure that the plateau area

3 x 12 lower body: Barbell squat, Deadlift, lunges, leg press, leg curl/extension3 x 12 chest exercise: barbell or dumbbell bench press, dumbbell, machine or cable of Flyes3 x 12 back exercise: barbell, machine, cable or dumbbell row, pull / Chin of ups, pulldown3 x 12 shoulder exercise: military press, lateral, increases, front elevations, vertical lines

HIIT phase: Bike ride, run, swim, or preferably MMA fitness style cardio-vascular system.

5 Minutes: warm up5 Minutes: 5 x 10 second sprints followed by 50 seconds rest (Sprint) up to every minute5 Minutes: cool-down period

Marc Hlavac is a MMA style fitness enthusiast. He believes that is the future of fitness in mixed martial arts. No other way to get into shape is as effective in a short time to a strong and create attractive physique. For more information on MMA fitness check out these free MMA fitness tips.

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