Friday, September 16, 2011

Sun Safety Advice - How To Stay Safe From The Sun When Outdoors

Without the sun we cannot exist, it is simple as that. Sun safety is however important as overexposure to the sun's UV rays can cause various health problems, both immediately and/or in the future.

Skin cancer is often caused by years of overexposure to the sun and is the most common form of cancer in the US today. While sun poisoning and heatstroke are among possible immediate health problems and can be life threatening.

By following these practical sun safety tips, you can reduce your risk of developing any health problems related to overexposure to the sun.

Your Travel Destination

Where you are travelling can affect how much precautions you need to take. The closer you are to the equator the more direct sunlight you get. Altitude does also matter, the UV radiation levels increases about 10% for every 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) in altitude.

Water, white sand, concrete as well as snow and ice reflect the sun's rays and can cause you to sunburn faster. You should therefore take extra precautions if your vacation includes these risk factors, e.g. when on beach vacation or skiing holiday.

Make a habit of checking the UV index for your destination prior to travelling.

Avoid The Midday Sun

The higher the sun is in the sky, the higher the UV radiation level is so you should avoid the midday sun as much as you can. You are most likely to be sunburned between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon when the sunrays are the strongest.

Find Shade

Stay in the shade whenever possible. Walk on the shadow side of the road and rest under trees or parasols.

Wear Sun Protection Clothing

Wearing sun protective clothing is the best way to protect your skin. It works better than covering your skin with normal clothes or covering your body with sunscreen.

Sun protection clothes should offer minimum rating of UPF 30. You should still wear sunscreen on all exposed skin.

Sun Protection Hat

Sun protection hat protects your face and head, and plays an important role in your overall sun safety, i.e. combined with your sun protection clothes and sunscreen.

The best sun protection hat, i.e. the one that gives maximum protection, should have UPF rating of at least 50 and hat brim that is at least 3 inches (7.7 cm) or more. Any hat is though better than no hat at all.

Use Sunscreen

Use sunscreen in addition to your sun protection clothing, not instead of it. Choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. The higher the sun protection factor is the longer the protection will last.

Apply sunscreen to all parts of your body that are exposed. Start about an inch under the ends of your sleeves and trousers legs. If you use makeup or insect repellent, wear your sunscreen underneath, i.e. apply the sunscreen first on your skin.

High altitudes and fresh snow can double your exposure to UV radiation. Always use special sunscreen for high altitude when in the mountains, e.g. when skiing.

Nb. you can sunburn on cloudy days as well, so always wear sunscreen when outdoors.

Protect Your Eyes

Sunglasses are essential for preventing sun damage to your eyes. The most important thing to consider when choosing sunglasses is the amount of UV rays they block. For the best protection look for sunglasses that block all UV radiation, i.e. offer 100% UV protection or up to 400 nanometers.

Wraparound sunglasses or sunglasses with side panels will protect your eyes from all angles and offer the best protection.

Children Are Special Risk Group

Children under the age of 15 have more sensitive skin and eyes than adults, making them special risk group. Children under one year of age must never stay in direct sun.

Most of lifetime UV exposure occurs before the age of 18 as children tend to play outdoors. It is therefore vital that parents and other guardians protect their children from the sun and teaches them necessary sun safety tips.

Teach them to play in the shade, wear sun protection clothing and sun hats, use sunscreen, and limit their time outdoors during the midday.

IMPORTANT: Sun damage accumulates so it is never too early, nor too late, to start taking necessary sun safety precautions.

Sun Protection Clothing offers advice on how sun protective clothes work and what to look out for when buying them. Sun Protection Hat advices why you should wear sun hat and what makes a good sun protection hat.

Asa Gislason and her husband are the founders of Top Travel Tips, travel website that offers comprehensive and unbiased travel advice that can save you both time and money when planning your next trip.

View the original article here

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