Saturday, September 17, 2011

Poor Blood Flow - Blood Circulation Problems and Its Treatments

Poor Blood Flow - Are you suffering tingling, burning, numbness or cramps in the hands, calves or Leg? Having shortness of breath; lack of energy; irregular heartbeats; poor memory; lack of stamina or pale complexion? Find skin sores heal slowly or don't heal at all? If the answer is "YES" to two or more of these symptoms then it is quiet likely you are just one of millions population who suffer from poor blood flow or poor blood circulation. Now you may think these symptoms are not a big deal. But make no mistake about it? This is SERIOUS, in-fact Potentially Life Threatening!

Poor Blood Flow Symptoms

Poor Blood Flow/Circulation is previously known only affecting those of middle-age and the elderly, it is now more widespread among younger people. Many people underestimate the occurrence of these impaired circulation symptoms. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor circulation do not develop overnight, rather they begin in a very mild form, and steadily worsen as time goes on.

Poor Blood Circulation is characterized by limited blood supply throughout the body, particularly in the peripheral areas such as the hands, legs, and feet. It is commonly causing tingling and numbness sensation in the hands and feet, it changes in the skin color - red, purple and blue in very severe cases. Changes in the temperature in certain body parts, mostly manifested by cold feet and hands, long healing period of skin infections, cuts and sores, muscle cramps, etc. This is because the reduced blood flow is most pronounced in these areas - the farthest in the body from the heart.

If left untreated, can result in a myriad of chronic conditions and cause irreversible damage, affecting key organs of the body, notably the brain and the heart and causing problems ranging anywhere from varicose veins, hypertension, diabetes, angina, arteriosclerosis, kidney damage to a stroke. The smoothness of blood flow is crucial since circulatory system facilitates the movement of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of our body, a variety of health problems could occur owing to the limited flow of blood to your heart, hands and feet.

It might also cause chest pain, shortness of breath, altered heart rate, low energy, feeling tired easily or all the time, loss of memory, lack of mental clarity, lack of stamina, feeling lethargic, unexplained headaches and sudden dizziness. Poor blood flow might cause pain in the legs while walking or any physical activity but once sitting down the pain goes away. Lack of blood circulation in the body can also damage the liver and kidneys. When your major organs do not receive adequate oxygen and nutrition, it can result in chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancer which potentially Claim Your Life!

Proper healing of wounds requires blood flow to the injured area. If blood circulation is impeded, as in the case whenever circulation problems are present, the body is not getting the blood flow it needs in order to heal correctly. This results in a much slower healing of any wounds, and, in advanced cases, the wound may not heal at all.

Libido as well as erectile dysfunction is a touchy subject for many people, even though it is still an important component of good health; this may be one of the most difficult symptoms of poor circulation to confirm. Normal intimate functioning requires a healthy blood flow, and impaired circulation will significantly impede such function.

Causes of Poor Blood Flow

Poor Blood Flow more rampant due to sedentary lifestyles. Sitting in a wrong posture for prolonged period and lack of exercise are amongst the most common causes of poor blood flow.

Poor dietary habits (imbalanced diets) also increase the risk of developing poor blood flow which then leads to circulatory system diseases and disorders. Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine, use of certain drugs or smoking could also be responsible for poor blood flow.

Obesity affects million adults and teenagers around the world, and is fast becoming a worldwide epidemic and there are many problems arising from being obese-these can range from heart disease through to diabetes through to lower leg circulation problems where blood is not able to get from the lower part of the body. In Men, obesity decreases blood flow to penis thereby causes sexual or erectile dysfunction.

Treatment for Poor Blood Flow

Fortunately, treatment is simple and generally relatively inexpensive. In some cases even reversible, especially when you start treatment early when poor blood flow symptoms first appear. When it comes to your continued health, the effort it takes to improve leg circulation is more than worth it.

Changing your lifestyle - a balanced diet, limiting fats and cholesterol food - is one of the best ways to promote and maintain circulatory health. High cholesterol levels can lead to clogged arteries, plaque deposits and hypertension, eating a high fiber and low-fat diet will help keep blood flowing. Getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting smoking will all help, as well. Yoga is another useful exercise for improving blood circulation. Headstand is very useful for improving your blood circulation, keep your body fit and also provide nourishment to the pituitary glands and the pineal glands of the brain.

Drink plenty of water for proper hydration. Avoid saturated and trans fats, condensed milk, refined sugars in your diet and products that contain it, as well caffeine, red meat and products with white refined flour. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health, particularly oranges, which provide high levels of bio-flavonoids to promote blood flow while also strengthening capillaries. Watermelon is a natural source of lycopene, which has been known to help prevent plaque buildup, a common hindrance to blood flow, to help promote healthy circulation. Garlic is very beneficial for poor circulation, so you should eat plenty of it. Consider the usage of herbal supplements such as Ginkgo biloba, rosemary and vitamin E are recommended.

Massage therapy is another great way to improve poor circulation by releasing contracted muscles and pushes venous blood towards the heart thus easing the strain on this vital organ. In addition, it increases rich-oxygen red blood cell count helping to bring even more oxygen to your cells and organs.

Steam, Sauna or Jacuzzi is also very beneficial, the heat stimulates your blood vessels near your skin's surface to expand, and more oxygen will enter to your body parts and muscles, which in turn helps increasing the blood flow to different body parts. The steam stimulates the lymphatic system to increase blood circulation.

Hot and cold showers or Hydrotherapy is another method of improving blood circulation. Hot showers followed by cold ones, but of course without extreme changes in the water temperature. The hot water will cause the blood vessels near the surface of the skin to dilate so that more blood can flow, cool down and maintain the right temperature, whereas the cold water will cause the vessels to restrict, and keep the blood away from the surface to maintain correct temperature. When these two mechanisms are alternated several times, it gets the blood circulating, bringing oxygen to skin, muscles and tissue.

Irwan Lee is the health practitioner who has been involved in natural treatment for 8 years. Click here for update information on Healthy living guide.

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