Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Meningitis Vaccination - Its Importance and Ease Protecting Our Children

What is meningitis and when is a meningitis vaccination needed? These questions literally wake full-grown adult parents up from a dead sleep. In towns and counties-even cities-and all over the United States, meningitis is rearing its ugly head. How do we defeat the threat of our children becoming infected with this most devastating and potentially fatal disease that can attack anyone yet seems to find our children most vulnerable?

Many parents know the horror story of having someone in their son or daughter's class who comes down with what seems an instantaneous attack of meningitis. Many times the children are sent home and the next thing that happens is you are sitting with your child and clumsily explaining life and death and mortality to them as you drive over to the funeral home so the fellow students of the deceased can share in their grief.

The statists are frightening. Worldwide there are over 330,000 new cases reported each year. In the United States the number of new cases reported annually is approximately 2,600. Out of both these infection rates up to twenty percent of those infected will die from the disease.

What is Meningitis?

There are different types of meningitis- Spinal, viral, and bacterial are just three-and vaccination guards against all of them. Generally speaking, meningitis is an inflammation of the membrane that covers and protects the brain inside the skull cavity and that also protects and covers the spinal cord.

• Viral Meningitis can cause a relatively less severe infection. It's no walk through the park and it may clear up without applying a heavy duty treatment plan, but it is still an infection that is concentrated around the brain and spine and should never be taken lightly.

• Bacterial Meningitis on the other hand, can cause a much more severe infection. This strain of meningitis may cause brain damage, hearing loss, learning disabilities and easily...death.

• Knowing the difference between which strain the patient (or loved one) has been infected with is very important because the treatment options are so-very different for each type.

Signs & Symptoms

The symptoms of both types of meningitis overlap. They may take one or two days to develop and they include:

• High fever
• Headache
• Stiff neck
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Difficulty looking into bright lights
• Confusion
• And sleepiness

Now, obviously this list looks like it could fit any teenager at one point or more in his/her life. Do not jump to conclusions. Keep your ears to the ground regarding what is happening in your part of town health-wise. And remember that if a schoolmate or your child comes down with any form of meningitis you will be notified through the school system.


The best protection available today is the meningitis vaccination. Some types of meningitis is passed from person to person, student to student. So unless you are planning on home schooling for their entire lives (and then still not allowing them outside around other kids to have any fun whatsoever) vaccination is the way to go.

Who should receive the meningitis vaccination?

According to the preeminent authority on such matters, The Centers For Disease Control & Prevention, the following individuals should receive the meningitis vaccination:

• Preteens and teens 11 to 18 years old
• College freshman who reside in dormitories
• Children ages 2 to 10 years old who are at an increased risk and those suggested by their medical care providers or parents

So there it is, the meningitis vaccination should be administered to all those who fit in the above-mentioned categories, for then and only then, can they rest assure they will be safe from infection even throughout an unfortunate breakout at their school or at after-school events.

If you live in NYC and would like more information on this potentially fatal, but always serious disease, please log onto Travel clinic NYC. This certified meningitis vaccination NYC clinic is staffed by a board-certified doctor and not a nurse practitioner like some other clinics are. They are located just two blocks from Grand Central Station and therefore very easy to reach by both subway and bus. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Stay safe.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Eye Twitching: What to Do

Lots of people experience nystagmus (involuntary eye movements). For many people, this is the twitching of the eyelids, for many it is an actual twitching of the eyeballs. Myokymia fasciculation can be a different way to describe eye twitching. This problem is fairly common. Whether it's eyelid twitching or eyeball twitching, there is absolutely no need to worry in case you have a problem with eye twitching. Many people have problems with this, and there are a number of options available that will help you to handle this.

What actually causes nystagmus or eye twitching? Well, you will find a wide variety of things that will in fact cause these involuntary eye movements. Lack of sleep or anxiety could possibly be the cause. It may be something a lot more complicated like allergies, a pinched nerve, or possibly a reaction to a specific medication. For starters, if you experience nystagmus, determining what the cause of your nystagmus is should be the first thing. There are a variety of internet sites where you can find out more in regards to the numerous causes, take quizzes to evaluate exactly what the main cause is for you, and gain much more information in general on nystagmus. It's a good option, though, to see a medical doctor in relation to any medical condition. A licensed expert is able to better understand precisely what is causing your eye twitching by fully examining your specific situation.

Uncontrollable facial spasms on a single side of the face or hemifacial spasm as well as rapid uncontrollable blinking or blepharospasm are merely two of the conditions that are similar to nystagmus. These conditions really involve precisely the same muscle groups. However, generally more muscle groups will be affected in these conditions as compared to nystagmus as these conditions are more severe. You will definitely need to visit a health care provider to learn what is happening if, along with eye twitching, you find yourself having symptoms such as these.

If your nystagmus is a result of something simple like lack of sleep or stress, the simplest way to correct this is to solve the problem that is causing it. Getting ample sleep or coping with your stress threshold can regularly correct nystagmus in these kinds of cases.

Some advertisers will promote a "cure all" capsule that offers to help your eyelid or eyeball twitching. Nonetheless, be wary of these. Discovering just what the underlying reason for these symptoms are and then performing towards fixing whatever problem is causing your eye twitching is the foremost way to help your eyeball or eyelid twitching.

Remember additionally that eyeball twitching or eyelid twitching is not uncommon. In many instances the causes of nystagmus are fairly simple and can be solved in a simple and clear-cut fashion, even though you should undoubtedly be safe and consult a health care provider.

Visit our web site if you need to understand more about nystagmus. It is a common difficulty and you aren't required to suffer from eye twitching when you get help.

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5 Easy Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

Everyone dreams of having white teeth. However, not everyone can pay for expensive professional dental care for teeth whitening. Besides pricey alternatives such as chair-side bleaching, veneer, crowns, bonding, or dentist supervised gel, there are affordable alternatives that you can make at home. Here are some home remedies you can try:

1. Using strawberries.

Cut a strawberry in half, then apply it onto your teeth and leave it on for about ten minutes. Afterwards, brush your teeth immediately with toothpaste to get rid of the leftover sugar and acid which can erode the tooth enamel.

2. Using hydrogen peroxide.

You can whiten your teeth using hydrogen peroxide by applying it directly to your teeth with a cotton swab. Rub your teeth gently but be careful not to get too much contact with your gum as hydrogen peroxide can create a burning sensation. Or, if you can stand it, gargling with hydrogen peroxide is also safe as long as you don't swallow it. You will see the results within a few weeks.

3. Using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Take the lid of the hydrogen peroxide bottle (or any small container) and fill half of it with baking soda and add some hydrogen peroxide. Stir them well until forming a paste-like mixture. Wait about 2 minutes until the paste thickens up. Brush your teeth with the paste and rinse with lukewarm water afterwards. Any contact of the mixture with your gum, lips, or tongue can create burning sensation or turn them into pink or white. Do not worry since the effect is only temporary.

4. Using a mixture of strawberry, baking soda, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide.

Mash a strawberry with a fork, add baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide to form a mixture. Apply the mixture onto your teeth using a toothbrush. Do not use your daily toothbrush as the strawberry seeds will be very hard to clean from the brush. Leave the mixture on for five minutes then rinse. Floss your teeth to remove any remaining strawberry seeds. Make sure to immediately brush your teeth with toothpaste after applying this paste since sugar from the strawberry and acid from the lemon juice can weaken the tooth enamel.

5. Using hard wood ash.

Hard wood ash contains potassium hydroxide which can help whiten your teeth. You can either apply it directly onto your teeth using a toothbrush, or you can mix it with your toothpaste. Potassium hydroxide also helps to remove stubborn plaque. However, you should not use hard wood ash for long periods of time since frequent use can weaken the tooth enamel.

Home remedies for teeth whitening are indeed cheaper. Yet, they can be harmful to your teeth health if not done carefully. Visit your dentist and read more about teeth whitening reviews before deciding to take particular method to whiten your teeth.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Car Wreck Injury And Insurance Companies

Today, I am going to do my best to explain why car wreck injuries can be so severe even when it appears there is minor damage.

It's called "inertia."

Definition of inertia - the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.

What that means is that, if you are traveling at 30 mph and your car is struck head on, your body will keep moving at 30 mph while your car will slow down. In fact, your body will keep moving at that speed until an external force (seatbelt, dashboard, steering wheel) stops you. Well, that doesn't sound very healthy, right?

Let's talk about 30mph for just a minute. That really doesn't sound like a big number when we talk about speed. Especially considering that the current land speed record sits at 760mph! But consider that a shark can only swim up to 25mph. The world record holder in the 100m dash, Usain Bolt, can only muster up 23.35mph. And, the most famous racing horse ever, Secretariat, averaged around 37mph. So, you see, 30mph is not necessarily a low speed and definitely not too low to have some injuries from a car wreck at that speed.

The most common injury from auto accidents must be whiplash.

Whiplash injury: Hyperextension (over-extension) injury to the neck, often the result of being struck from behind, as by a fast-moving vehicle in a car accident. The mechanics of whiplash injury are thought to be as follows: The victim may be first pushed or accelerated forward, pushing the body forward, but the head remains behind momentarily, rocking up and back, and some muscles and ligaments may be stretched or torn. These muscles, in a reflex action, contract to bring the head forward again, to prevent excessive injury. There may be overcompensation when the head is traveling in a forward direction as the vehicle decelerates. This may rock the head violently forward, stretching and tearing more muscles and ligaments.

New information from new studies has come about recently. It seems the mechanism of whiplash is to be lifted up from your seat slightly (possibly causing low back issues), then a swift and severe extension of your neck, then dropping back into the seat as the seatbelt catches you, followed by swift and severe flexion of your neck. Basically, you can have a sprain/strain of your low back from the lifting and dropping out of and back into your seat. You can have thoracic sprain/strain from the seatbelt position. And it is obvious that your neck is most likely going to hurt for quite some time. If the wreck is severe enough, you can also have serious tearing of the ligaments and connective tissue in the front and the back of the neck. But, even in minor accidents, you can suffer what is called micro-tearing of these ligaments. Meaning that you can have pain and eventual scar tissue that's cause isn't completely obvious from an MRI. This is the most important argument in favor of treatment and complete rehab of an automobile accident injury.

I would say whiplash is definitely the most common injury we see from car wreck patients. The problem is that the insurance companies have a little equation they use to assess what personal injury amount they will pay for. This equation takes into effect the speed at which the car was traveling. Although there are plenty of studies refuting this tactic, they continue to use it. They refuse to tell anyone exactly what the equation is but they still use it. For example, you may be driving a BMW and have very little damage to the car itself but the damage is $4000. Or you may be driving a 15 year old car an have plenty of damage that is only worth $1500. And it is guessed that the insurance companies use the damage amount in their equation which affects the personal injury payout. This is not a good thing. I have said it before in this blog and I'll say it again. This is why you most likely should call an attorney for a car wreck if the damage is anything beyond a fender bender.

Even I learned something in writing this article. I never knew how fast Usain Bolt or Secretariat could run!

Amarillo Chiropractor
Amarillo Pain & Accident Chiropractic Clinic

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Pulse Oximeter Moves Out of Walter Reed

The Walter Reed Army Medical Center has been a staple for over one hundred years in the United States and the District of Columbia. Over the years, it has served many service men and woman, and it has served as a leading center for research as well. Over the past weekend, when Hurricane Irene was set to hit the east coast, the medical center had its closing ceremony. The ceremony included a large number of Walter Reed staff and military personnel, and it included a flag-lowering ceremony as well. The gloomy skies added to the sadness and made something to make the ceremony all the more memorable. Right before the closing ceremony, the last 18 patients from Walter Reed were transferred to their new location, Bethesda National Naval Medical Center, whose name will change to Walter Reed Military Medical Center.

Right before Walter Reed was determined to close; they made a large purchase of pulse oximetry products. A pulse oximeter, also known as a pulse ox, is a medical device use to measure the blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate of a patient. Walter Reed bought about five hundred of these devices ranging from a finger pulse oximeter to a hand held pulse oximeter. These devices are designed to be portable and easy to use. They run on standard triple A batteries, and are come in both a color and non color screen. Doctors at Walter Reed had discovered their usefulness years ago, when they started to use them both at the hospital and also provide them to patients who were released. These patients were not able to keep track of their oxygen levels both on the go and at home. Some military personnel even found themselves using a pulse oximeter while on tour or duty.

The new facility, Walter Reed Military Medical Center, will be run jointly by both the Army and the Navy. The location is right in the center of Maryland, near both Virginia and the District of Columbia. It is about 20 minutes from Andrew's Air force Base, and accessible by the metro system. Across from the medical center is National Institute of Health, also known as N.I.H., which will contribute to research for the new medical center. Research from centers and institutes like this have lead to various technologies that come back to serve patients. The pulse oximeter is one example of this collaboration and implementation.

For high quality, low-cost pulse oximeter models, visit us at

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Enjoy the Health Benefits of Matcha Powder

Matcha powder is considered to be a complex ground tea leaf that has an astringent taste that is easily sprinkled into recipes as well as drinks. In most cases, the leaves are steamed in a light mode so as to keep them from losing antioxidants. Later on, they are carefully ground into a fine as well as emerald green tea powder. On the other hand, matcha green tea is very popular especially in regions located in Japan. It is mostly sold in powder form rather than leaves which makes it very easy for an individual to add different kinds of food such as desserts as well as noodles. There are health benefits that come with this particular beverage and are very helpful to human beings. Keep reading the article and learn these benefits so that you on your next shopping, you can include it in your list.

· Firstly, the beverage is believed to elevate an individual's mood since it entails an amino acid known as l-theanine. It is believed to have a relaxing effect on a person's mind thus making it best for releasing tension as well as anxiety.

· Matcha green tea powder does not have sugar which is a health benefit to those suffering from diabetes. Lack of sugar indicates that there will be no rising of insulin levels which in return helps in blood sugar regulation. In addition, those willing to cut down their sugar intake, taking these particular beverages are beneficial as it will in return boost their immune system.

· It acts as a detoxifier in that it helps in removing any toxins as well as metals completely from the body. This is because of high presence of chlorophyll content.

· In case an individual is suffering from constipation, this beverage is considered to be a very perfect source of obtaining dietary fiber that aids those constipated persons.

· For those having energy issues, taking matcha can be used as an energy booster. This is simply because it raises the level of energy for a prolonged period of time without the necessity of you having an overstimulated feeling.

· Weight has become a very big issue to many people. There are several ways that can be used to achieve weight loss and taking this powdered beverage is one of them. It helps in boosting metabolism which in return burns fat. In addition, it helps in maintaining stability in blood sugar levels that help in suppressing carvings for consuming sweet things such as sweets, chocolates etc.

· Due to the high content of antioxidants in it, it aids in fighting the effects that come with aging

When choosing matcha powder to prepare your matcha green tea, make sure you take time to know what you expect to gain from consuming matcha green tea powder before making a purchase;

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pulse Oximeter Survives Earthquake

Earthquakes are not a norm here on the east coast of the United States. Even a relatively small earthquake can cause quite a disruption. On August 23, 2011, Mineral, Virginia experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake that was felt throughout the east coast. The Washington D.C., metro area being less than 90 miles away, felt the quake as well. Most buildings in the D.C. area were evacuated since corporations and agencies were not sure how well the buildings would hold up structurally. The east coast is not designed to withstand seismic activity. As the quake occurred, most people in D.C. did not think it was an earthquake at first. Their initial response was that it was a terrorist attack, which caused some panic in some areas. The same effect occurred in New York City as well, where many buildings were evacuated. There was some damage that was reported at various locations in D.C., with the National Cathedral as one of them. Most of the damage that occurred was the result of things falling or tipping over, and some brick walls that collapsed.

A local medical supply store in Virginia, who specializes in supplying pulse oximetry equipment, was unfortunate enough to be one of the few places to have damage. A pulse oximeter, also known as a pulse ox, is a medical device used to measure blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate of an individual. The local medical supply store owner reported that his shelves of over five hundred oximeters tipped over with the shelves tumbling down upon them. Luckily, almost all of the pulse oximeters were not damaged. A new finger pulse oximeter is built to be small and compact, but also sturdy. Their sturdiness was proven yesterday. A pulse oximeter, which is smaller than most cell phones, took a brunt hit from metal shelving and survived. The medical store owner stated that he will not sell a damaged oximeter to any customers, but now is even more confident in his products. He said that he will tell him customers that a pulse oximeter he sells survived an earthquake.

The pulse oximeter became very popular recently in the past ten years or so. Before that it was a medical device more likely found in a clinical setting such as your doctor's office. Now it is just as common to find a pulse oximeter at home just like a blood pressure monitor or a blood glucose meter.

For high quality, low-cost pulse oximeter and oximeter models, visit us at

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Unique Hygiene Mask Available for Food Industry

Sanitation masks have been around for a while, but now on the market is a new hygiene mask for the food industry. Designed to protect both consumers and workers from contagious pathogens, the new sanitary mask has many new features.

What are some of the new features of the new hygiene mask?

The new mask can be positioned far enough away from a user's mouth and nose to allow normal conversation; it can be washed and reused countless times; and it is transparent so that the user's face can be seen.

With the new hygiene mask, workers can breathe easily and normally, it does not interfere with the user's eyeglasses, and it does not affect the wearer's make-up. Most importantly for the user, it remains comfortable to wear for an extended period of time.

The mask is coated with a transparent film that provides anti-fog and anti-bacterial treatments. Based on thorough research, the hygiene mask is available in one free size which can accommodate all facial sizes.

What are the benefits of this sanitary mask?

There are many benefits to be derived from the new mask. It blocks germs and foreign substance emitted from the mouth; it is lightweight and much more comfortable than cotton or non-woven fabric masks; it can be adjusted to fit any size face; and the film surface is coated so that misting does not occur.

Because it can be reused and because it has an almost unlimited life, the sanitary mask is extremely cost effective.

What types of businesses use the hygiene mask?

The hygiene mask is used by servers at food manufacturing plants, department stores, wholesale markets, highway rest stops, hotel restaurants, buffet restaurants, school kitchens, medical and nursing home facilities, and at childcare food preparation areas.

Can the sanitary mask prevent the spread of droplet infections?

This new hygiene mask has been designed and thoroughly tested to minimize the spread of infectious diseases that can be transmitted through infected phlegm.

When a person coughs or sneezes, phlegm droplets are emitted causing the potential spread of droplet infections such as the flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, whooping cough, rubella, diphtheria, colds, and norovirus.

With the new sanitary mask, employers and workers alike can rest assured that they have maximized containment of such illnesses.

Many restaurants and food manufacturing sites are using our new concept to effectively block various invisible germs and foreign substances coming from the respiratory organs and mouths. We hope to provide our customers with cleaner and more sanitary food services.

Jeffrey Adams invites you to take a look at Mascare Mask. With the new hygiene mask, workers can breathe easily and normally, it does not interfere with the user's eyeglasses, and it does not affect the wearer's make-up.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pharmaceutical Fraud And Kickbacks

Pharmaceutical industry giants have long been suspected as not playing a fair hand with the American public. As Congress struggles to retain a new health care system that is facing an uphill battle in the courts system, the future of health care and in particular pharmaceuticals is uncertain. But with more whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork than ever before, it is safe to say that no matter what happens with the final decision on health care, pharmaceuticals will be placed under intense scrutiny. The reason that whistleblowers and legal authority is needed to police this industry is that it compromises patient care and turns what should be a service industry into a business. If you are uncertain of the ways that doctors and pharmaceutical sales reps commit acts of fraud, then consider the following:


Many doctors are given kickbacks by drug companies for recommending their product over another. This preferential treatment is illegal, but with uncertainty regarding the future of the health care industry and how doctors are paid for their time and resources, it could become much more prevalent. Unfortunately, the people most likely to suffer from kickbacks are those needing medical assistance. When a drug wins approval that does not really do the job that it purports to, it can leave the patient powerless to defend himself against medical malpractice.

Improper Diagnoses

Another way that medical companies and health care professionals can commit pharmaceutical fraud is to go with improper diagnoses and withhold treatments that can actually improve the life of an individual. Whenever a medical professional sees symptoms of a patient, they are likely to prescribe the most expensive medication on account of the fact that it leads to a higher bill. If there is a cheaper and more effective option available, they tend to ignore it because it means less in their pockets.

Often times, unscrupulous medical professionals will make their decisions based on a client's ability to pay. If there is some thinking that the insurance company will cover a drug, then these individuals are drawn to the most expensive regardless of whether or not it actually works. But once again, it is unfortunate that the patient ultimately suffers, because most health insurance companies only cover part of a medication. While a patient may only find themselves paying 20 percent, that 20 percent can be too heavy on their finances if the treatment is extremely expensive.

There are many fine doctors and nurse practitioners in the medical community, who play by the rules and put their patients first. But there are also those, who are in it primarily for the money, and when you encounter them, it is good to know there are watchdogs and legal help to stand up for your rights.

Learn more about litigating pharmaceutical fraud cases on behalf of reps nationwide. Examine more aspects of pharma fraud.

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Colonic Irrigation - Good Or Bad?

Colonic irrigation, or Hydrotherapy, is a technique that has been around since Egyptian times in one form or another. But is it any good for you and does it help in the anti-aging process?

Colonic irrigation involves inserting a tube into the rectum and flushing out with water and a 'colon cleansing' product. The theory behind this procedure Is that when food enters the intestine it is not broken down properly due to a variety of reasons including poor diet and insufficient exercise. Instead the waste food stays in the intestine, caught in crevices in the bowel wall, rotting away and causing toxins to be released thru the bowel wall into the rest of the body. They believe this causes 'auto-intoxication'.

The practice was popular in the late 1880s, but fell out of favor in 1919 when The American Medical Association condemned it. It has become popular again due to the endorsements of certain high profile media celebrities'.

Advocates of Colonic irrigation say some of this waste may take years to accumulate and you could be re-absorbing concentrated amounts of it back in to your body. They also state the only way to clear this 'toxic waste' from your body is by Colonic irrigation. However many in the medical profession disagree with these theories and believe that the procedure can be positively harmful. In fact a search of the medical research, carried out at Georgetown University, has found no evidence of any good quality studies to support the procedure.

Leading British Gastroenterologists at the London Clinic say that some of the claims made by advocates of the procedure are 'nonsense'. The idea that faecal matter can stick to the bowel walls in crevices for years is just plain incorrect. Waste matter keeps on moving thru the bowel, no matter what. One gastroenterologist states "The bowel wall is smooth; if there are any hidden crevices in there I would have seen them with my camera"

Experts are also concerned that Colonic irrigation may disturb the mini eco-system in the gut that consists of friendly bacteria (three to four pounds in a healthy adult). They believe that by washing this eco-system away you may be doing real harm to your body. The friendly bacteria live in a delicate balance in the intestine, and have been called the bodies 'disease fighting control center' as its role in immune function is so important to our general health. The resident bacteria keep our intestinal walls healthy and intact, preventing toxins leaking elsewhere, causing inflammation and disease. The experts believe that Colonic irrigation interferes with efficient digestion and immune function.

Apart from the dubious benefits offered by Colonic irrigation, there is also widespread concern about the physical damage and potential side effects of the procedure.

An inexperienced practitioner runs the risk of causing serious damage, such as a perforated colon. Reported side effects of the procedure include: vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, kidney problems, dehydration and infections. One recently reported case was of a 49 year old man, who within an hour of the procedure, developed vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pains. He needed several days of hospital treatment for dehydration, low potassium levels and an inflamed pancreas.

So, how do we ensure good Colon Health? Leading nutritionists say good food with plenty of fibre and as little saturated fats as possible will go a long way to ensure a healthy colon. They also recommend lean proteins including skinless turkey or chicken breast, healthy fats from foods such as olive oil, avocado, and wild cold water fish like salmon and mackerel. As always in health matters they also recommend a healthy dose of..... exercise!

The choice is yours. You will find many proponents of Colonic irrigation on the internet, but think carefully before having the procedure, and like all medical procedures, consult your Healthcare Professional first.

Susie Fox

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6 Frequently Asked Questions About Colon Cancer

1. What is Colon Cancer?

This disease is also known as colorectal or bowel cancer, and it is the result of abnormal growth of cells in the colon, rectum, and appendix. It is the third most common cancer found in men and the fourth most common cancer found in women. The spread of this disease is not even between one part of the world and another. While the disease is rarely found in Asia and Africa, it is most commonly found in Western countries. It is suggested that western diets which consists of mostly red meat may increase the risk of the disease.

2. What Causes Colon Cancer?

As mentioned previously, unhealthy diet can trigger malignant growth of colon cells. Apart from that, other factors that may contribute to the development of the disease include old age (people in their 60s or 70s are more prone to get the disease), family history of cancer, colon polyps, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and viruses.

3, What Are The Symptoms Of Colon Cancer?

The symptoms of the disease are numerous and non specific. One may develop the cancer years before the symptoms occur. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, changing habits of bowel movement, cramps, bloating, narrow stool, stool mixed with red or dark blood, weight loss, pain in the abdominal area, and so forth.

4. How To Detect Colon Cancer?

Common diagnostic techniques include colonoscopy or barium enema. During the barium enema test, x-rays are used for taking the image of the rectum and colon after the patient is given an enema containing barium. Meanwhile, colonoscopy is performed by inserting a viewing tube into the rectum to inspect the inside of the whole colon.

5. How To Prevent Colon Cancer?

While colon polyp removal can help suppress the development of the disease, other triggering factors such as viruses, age, or family history surely cannot be controlled in order to prevent the cancer. However, there are things we can do to reduce the chance of getting the cancer, which include maintaining a high fiber diet, lessening the consumption of fat, lessening or quitting the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and exercising regularly. In short, change your habit and lead a healthy life.

6. What Are The Odds Of Survival For Colon Cancer?

The earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chance of cure for the patient. People need to be aware and informed about this disease so that they can prevent it from occurring.

With the understanding and awareness of the cancer, colon cancer survival rate can be increased. Follow our given links for more info about in which stage colon cancer survival rate is mostly high.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Most Important Considerations When Using Gazelle Edge

When you are planning to use a certain fitness exercise equipment just like the Gazelle edge elliptical trainer, it is important to take some precaution for instance, ensuring your safety when using it. So after purchasing it, you should read first your owner's manual for you to be able to know how it works or to know the dos and don'ts of the equipment. The main reason for this is to prevent you from getting any accident or injury while exercising.

Below are some important considerations to keep in mind when using Gazelle edge as your home fitness exercise equipment:

• You must ensure an appropriate placement to secure the stability of the equipment and to be able for you to have a place that you can exercise properly. So, the best thing to do is to have a spacious place with at least three feet distance for the rear and front view of your gazelle edge and it should be free from any objects to prevent from affecting the swinging foot platforms while doing elliptical workout.

• Wear appropriate clothing for you to have the most comfortable and stable movements while on your elliptical motion. It should be light weighted clothes in which it can absorb your sweats to maintain your body's condition. Use a pair of running shoes for a smooth exercise and avoid using the exercise equipment with bare feet only. In addition, for you not to get dehydrated and to maintain balance electrolytes in your body you should drink at least 2-3 liters of water or any essential fluids during the exercise.

• Since the piece of exercise equipment is very handy, you can keep it in a safe, cool and dry storage room if not in use. It is also necessary to eliminate dust, sweats and finger marks which remain on the elliptical by using clean and soft cloth to maintain its good performance. You may perform it right after every use of your equipment. Last but not the least, a simple lubrication can be performed to fix some unnecessary noises which you might heard on the equipment when exercising.

By and large, the more you understand on how a gazelle edge is being used the better that you will be confident enough to manage it while getting your most desired body shape. Moreover, you may check out various product or customer reviews on the internet for more information and find out several things which you still do not know regarding this elliptical trainer.

Click the link if you want to know more about treadmills. There are a lot of cheap prices available.

View the original article here

All About Excessive Sweating at Night

Excessive sweating at night is commonly known as night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis. This rarely happens to true hyperhidrosis sufferers because not sweating while the body is asleep is a characteristic of hyperhidrosis. What this usually means is that the causes of sweating too much at night are different from those causing hyperhidrosis during the day.

Though usually seen in early adulthood (which is often the case with hyperhidrosis), excessive sweating at night can happen to anyone at any age. No matter when it hits, it is a terrible problem! Apart from ruining clothes and sheets or mattresses, the biggest problem that comes with night sweats is that the patient's sleep cycle is disrupted. The uncomfortable wet or damp feeling often wakes the patient, disrupting their sleeping patterns. This can often lead to other problems such as anxiety, irritability, difficulty functioning during the day, acne, and nutrient deficiency, just to name a few.

So if it isn't hyperhidrosis, what is it?

Often, excessive sweating at night is linked to underlying medical problems. In the cases of night sweating among women, perimenopause and pregnancy are the common culprits for this excess sweating during nocturnal hours. For men, other medical problems, such as thyroid disorder or genetic problems may cause the excess sweat while asleep.

If you are suffering from sweating too much at night, it is important that you see your doctor. Since night sweats are often due to underlying medical problems, it is important that these problems are addressed in order to remedy the night sweats. While your doctor is investigating and looking for the right treatment method for you, try some of these coping mechanisms.

Sleep in an air-conditioned room or a well ventilated room: Some people are naturally hot or their bodies heat up faster than others. Sleeping in a well ventilated or air-conditioned room can help lessen the discomfort and ensure a better night's sleep.Keep a cold glass of water next to your bed: Like an air-conditioned room, drinking cool water can help cool you down and diminish sweating.Sleep with very little clothing: Having less cloth pressing against your body can also lessen excessive sweating at night.Make sure your clothing and sheets are cotton: Cotton is a fabric that "breathes" very well, meaning it circulates air very well and can stay cool. Using cotton can help cool your skin and lessen night sweats. It also dries faster than other fabrics.

Making sure that no medical problems are the real cause of your hyperhidrosis is very important because excessive sweating could mildest of the symptoms connected to these problems. Don't wait around for more symptoms or see if things get worse. The minute you notice something unnatural, see a doctor.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Live a Healthier Life Style

Living a healthier life style has not been easy for many people. This is because so many people are solely focused on the results. When starting their exercise routines, they are focused on losing weight, working off calories or achieving a certain amount of time in the gym. While all of these things are very important, they are rarely the things that will keep a person motivated for the rest of their life to stick with these changes.

The Key Ingredient to Lasting Changes

The single most important ingredient to making lasting changes in your health and life style is pleasure. Think about this, the very reason that a person gets out of shape, gains weight, and doesn't exercise much is because they view inactivity and overeating as more pleasurable than exercise and healthy nutrition. The pleasure factor is your most important key to making a lasting change.

Instead of simply focusing on the result of a certain work out program or nutritional diet, focus on the process or the journey. If you're sixty pounds overweight, it may take you a year to really get in shape. (Remember, you can naturally only lose about one to two pounds of fat a week. Any more is not fat and may be water and even muscle tissue.) A year can seem like an eternity if you're constantly focused on how much you weigh and constantly weighing yourself on the scale. Instead, focus on enjoying the actual process and experience the journey to a healthier body and mind.

2 Ways to Enjoy the Process

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" explains that happiness is the result of being in the "flow" or in the "zone". This is a highly relaxed, but focused state. Athletes, musicians, and artists are prime examples of people who get into this state on a regular basis. He details the formula for getting into the "flow", which is a combination of doing a moderately challenging activity that enables you to experience joy and pleasure on some level, on a regular basis. For example, if you're a music lover, you could begin to learn to play the bass guitar. By actually enjoying the very act of practicing and learning, you begin to lose track of time and begin to naturally have the urge to practice, because it is your time for fun and experiencing the "flow".

By being in the "flow", you enjoy the actual process of making permanent life style changes in your health. There are keys to applying the "flow" formula.

1. Flow with exercise - if treadmills and stationary bikes bore you, then try walking or running in your local area. By jogging and running in your community you get to see all kinds of interesting people and this stimulation can be very pleasurable. If you do not like jogging or running, you can put on your favorite tunes and just dance in the privacy of your own home. You don't know how to be a dancer, just move your body in your own way to your favorite songs. If you like gardening and landscaping, you could work in the yard, cutting grass, raking leaves, trimming bushes, sweeping the sidewalk. Use these activities as a time of joy and fun. Never pressure yourself and always stop if you feel uncomfortable.

2. Flow with your food - if you've developed a taste for sweets, cakes, fast food, processed foods then there is a way to change that. It requires letting you get a little hungrier than usual. Remember, you won't be doing this permanently, but skipping a meal or two for a couple of days during the week, in order to change your taste buds can be a very powerful way to begin to experience pleasure in eating healthy foods. If a person is hungry enough, any food will begin to taste good to them. This is a physiological phenomenon.

In conclusion, living a healthier life style doesn't have to be super difficult. The key is to gradually acclimate yourself for healthier habits, healthier choices and healthier changes. Avoid rushing and trying to hurry results. Instead, enjoy the process of making permanent changes in a gentle and gradual way.

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Balanced Body Pilates: Staying Fit And Healthy

In today's daily life, the monotonous routine of work tends to cloud the human necessity of leading a healthier and fit lifestyle. A healthy and fit life is not only a requirement for dancers and athletes, but a necessity for every person. While many do it by heavy workout sessions at the gym, bulking up and building muscles, many try a balanced healthy diet and other forms of chemical intakes. Stressful hours at the gym are not suitable for elderly people or pregnant women. However, there is a way of keeping yourself properly toned up without spending long hours at the gym and risking up your physical fitness by trying out heavy workouts. If you are wondering what it is, then balanced body Pilates is the answer to your question.

Balanced body Pilates is a form of exercise that tends to establish a strong coordination between your mind and muscles. Combining psychological and physical power can be quite a hard work, but in the long run process it provides you with greater results since not only does it lead to long term relaxation of the body but it also eases the mind off stress. It generally consists of six principles under which various routines of course exercises exist. These principles include centering, control, flow, breath, precision and concentration.

All these principles collaborate to provide your body the best workout by putting all your body muscles to work which in return increases your core energy and takes it to a superior level. It is also helpful for those who have very little time to spend for themselves since the routines of balanced body Pilates tend to concentrate on almost all the muscles of the body, which reduce the number of exercises one needs to perform, unlike any other gym routine which tends to concentrate more on a few muscles and consist of extensive number of routines. Also, during pregnancy, Pilates is considered to be super beneficial and a healthy practice for both the mother and the premature infant.

For the best outcomes, Pilates professionals will also put you through proper routines which will increase your participation with peak Pilates reformer. Peak Pilates reformers are Pilates equipment which will engage all your body muscles simultaneously through repetitive movements and focus on the key areas which helps strengthen and fortify your core. These fitness apparatuses will also help you improve your posture. There are several forms of peak Pilates reformers but the general ones include resistance band, the Cadillac, Pilates barrels, Pilates chair, Pilates ball, Pilates circle, spine supporter and Pilates trapeze table and all these have been designed to give your body the best fitness.

To discover a significant resource to help provide you with all the opportunities that exist with peak Pilates, as well as the potential of investing in balanced body Pilates equipment, visit

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hand Hygiene Considerations In Public Places

Hand hygiene can be a difficult thing to control, and if you are not careful it can lead to some very serious problems for both individuals and large groups of people. If you run a hotel or a guest home of some kind, then you know exactly how difficult it is to stop the spread of germs before they start. You also probably know how easily transferred pathogens are throughout the body. If you are the type of person that cannot stand the thought of what is going on around you in the microbial world, then you need to be vigilant and make certain that you keep the following things in mind:

First of all, certain parts of your facility are more likely to attract germs than others. In particular, areas where food is present or areas where people use the restroom are high germ content areas. The reason why these areas are such bacteria traps are obvious. People go to the restroom and more often than not, they either do not wash their hands, thus taking germs with them, or they do wash their hands, but they fall victim to others' lack of hygiene. Bathroom stall doors, and the bathroom entrance and exit doors in particular have high concentrations of germs as do the sink handles. It is literally impossible to get out of a public restroom germ free.

Secondly, in dining situations, when one must use the restroom and then return to the table, it is just too easy to transfer those accompanying germs to food, which in turn is ingested by the individual. This can lead to some serious sickness if precautions are not taken by the individual. If you run a hotel, restaurant or a guest house, then you can help fight this by including hand sanitiser for one's convenience, but still, it is up to the individual to be vigilant about the environment around them and to actually use what is offered.

Thirdly, anywhere children are present, germs will be present, too. Children love to experiment, and they are very curious about the world around them. Mix that reality with the fact that they do not know enough about their world to understand unseen things can harm them, and you have a recipe for disaster. Children must be taught cleanliness at home, but even when this is accomplished, no one can stop them from coming into contact with germs. That's why it is important to emphasize at an early age the importance of good hand hygiene. If you run a hotel or guest house then you can take precautionary measures by ensuring quality hand sanitisers are available in key areas. You can also teach your own kids, and help to leave a cleaner mark on the world.

Private label hand sanitiser can prevent the spread of germs and disease. Not just any hand sanitiser will do, though. Make sure you've read up on the best at our site before you buy!

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Diet and Fitness - Every Little Bit Adds Up

What is stopping you from beginning a new diet and fitness plan? Often time's people say they just don't have the time. They don't have an hour to spare a few times a week that most workout plans require. This may be true for many of us, but it is not an excuse to ignore our health. Working out and eating right isn't just about being buff, although that is quite a nice benefit. Exercise and good nutrition are not luxuries or chores or something you will do when you have more time. A healthy lifestyle is key for your long-term physical and mental health.

So let's say we agree that you have to live a healthier lifestyle but you are still too busy to workout within a normal exercise routine. Like the title says, every little bit adds up. What if you took 10 minutes a few times a day and did a few body weight exercises? That adds up to a ½ hour workout in a day. Do that Monday to Friday and that adds up to 2 ½ hours of exercise each week. Maybe not the most optimal, but it will make a big difference in how you look and feel in the long haul.

Everyone and I mean absolutely everyone can take 10 minutes a few times a day. If not 10 minute breaks do 5 minutes. Do 1 set of a few exercises every so often throughout the day. The difference will be dramatic.

For example, say you did 1 set of push ups, 1 set of squats, and 1 set of crunches. Let's say you did 10 repetitions for push ups and squats, and 20 repetitions for crunches. How long would that take you? Definitely less than 5 minutes. Let's say you did these 5 times a day. That would be 50 push ups and 50 squats and 100 crunches a day. That would be 250 push ups and squats a week and 500 crunches to boot. This volume of work over the course of months and years ahead will keep you very, very strong. You see it doesn't take much effort to make a change.

Combine this kind of work with a few other changes in your life and it all really starts to add up and make changes. Walk more; it's as simple as that. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. For shorter distances walk instead of drive. Play with your kids. Walk your dog. Be more active in your everyday life. This will help your heart, help you burn calories, help you clear your head, and keep you fit.

If you really want to lose weight fast you have to eat better. This isn't about reducing calories so much as about eating the kind of food your body needs. It can be delicious and filling, it just requires you to change your habits. Fast food and processed foods need to be minimized to no more than 3 cheat meals a week. The soda pop and fruit juices need to be replaced with water, water, water. Whole foods, plenty of fibre, quality protein are must-haves. Does a thick steak with brown rice and a side of asparagus sound like you're sacrificing for a diet? Just an example of a typical meal made of whole foods. Be creative and you won't feel like you're giving up when you avoid the junk foods. Diet and fitness doesn't have to be hard.

If you want to learn more about diet and fitness ask the people who know. will show you how lose weight fast and get you strong, lean.

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Information On Muscular Dystrophy And Care Giving For The Young

Many times the thought of taking care of someone usually entails either someone who has been in a severe accident or the elderly. Rarely do we think that we will have to take care of a child because they are chronically ill. However, for those who are coping with children with MD, care giving for the young can be a full time job.

Dealing with the Diagnosis

According to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Muscular Dystrophy, or MD, is a group of genetic diseases that degenerates the skeletal muscles in the body. Because of this, caring for the young is heartbreaking. These are the muscles that enable us to move. What this means is that those affected have missing or incorrect genetic information which prevents them from generating the correct proteins needed to build healthy muscles.

Most versions of MD present itself in early childhood, some as early as birth and infancy which means complete care for the young starts extremely early. However, other types will show onset in early childhood, when becoming a teenager and even into early adulthood. While females may be affected, generally males are the ones who are affected. The main signs of MD that affect toddlers and young children, according to Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, are developmental issues such as speech and motor control issues.

Although it may be slightly easier to care for them at first, advancement of the disease means that more assistive tools like wheelchairs, walkers, canes or even a breathing device will be needed. Since the muscles in the lungs and heart are critically affected, full-time attention from an in-home caregiver will be a necessity in the latter stages of the disease.

Safety First

To ensure the affected child has a healthy and safe setting once a diagnosis for MD has been given, many changes will need to take place in the home. Not only do the mental and emotional adjustments need to be taken care of, but the physical conditions need to be taken care of as well when you provide care giving for the young with MD. As an example, make sure that the wheelchair will fit in the dining room and under the table so the family can have meals together. If the child is still active, another example is to establish what obstacles that may cause them to fall like stairs or rugs. Also, when coping with the bathroom, have accommodations been made so they can stay as independent as possible for as long as possible. Take the steps to make sure the care giving process progresses because it is already a life-long process dealing with MD.

Finding caring and experienced professionals who believe in preserving their patient's rights is key when searching for Atlanta East home care givers. Patty Morris knows the value in finding the right Marietta home care for her loved one's care.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Neurology of Pain (How the Brain Represents Anguish)

The neurological event that is known as pain or discomfort is not just a uncomplex, simple phenomena. Many guess that injury to the body is the sole culprit of pain, but this is not a full account (for example, neuropathic pain in which an undamaged but irritated nervous system causes chronic pain is an all-too-common condition). In fact, the experience of 'pain' includes at least 3 major areas of the brain bi-laterally, the peripheral nervous system's nociceptors, and the spinal column. When there is an insult to the anatomy, neurons do attempt to transmit a neuronal impulse to the brain. The neurology associated with representing bodily experience responds in several potential ways.

The first stop-off for almost any neuronal impulse is the thalamic cortex, a subcortical structure that catches all nerve signals. Hypnosis and pain control will, as it can with the majority of cortical regions in the CNS, adjust considerably how the thalamic junction responds. Hypnotic pain control work partially via dampening of thalamus behavior. The thalamic gateway is a gateway for all the senses, excluding your nose. With the thalamic region as the initial stop, if hypnosis is not applied to block the impulse in that location, the somatosensory region and the ACC are another place that the pain sensation can be is relieved. These two being the key players in experiencing pain. Interfere in the function of either the ACC or the somatosensory strip, and you also interfere with the pain experience on an essential level.

Pain control (even chronic) can be achieved using hypnosis and pain control in both the sensorial area as well as in the cingulate. The anterior cingulate cortex is responsible for the uncomfortable aspect of pain, while the somatosensory is receiving the specific somatic sensations that are occurring (the mechanical sensation of the skin being spread or cut apart for instance). Many docs and pain specialists educate clients about how to use self-hypnosis for the control of pain as a critical aspect of the patient's treatment. Hypnotherapy does act as a substitute for analgesia and general anesthesia with invasive operations, even operations that would otherwise be intensely painful such as gall-bladder surgery. This seems fantastical to people naive about alternative pain relief therapies, but the application of hypnotic techniques for pain control during invasive procedures goes back some two hundred years already to an English physician named James Esdaile operating exclusively with hypnosis in India! Although the data support is admittedly minimal currently, there is some support that pain control with hypnosis acts beyond the brain directly on trauma via beta endorphins. Dulling the pain signal at the site of the nerves sending the pain signal allows a two-pronged advance wherein the mechanical and psychic expressions of experience of pain are addressed with hypnotherapy.

Che Lucero is a research scientist and clinical hypnotist. He writes about how to improve our daily lives from a perspective of neuropsychology, and hypnosis. He maintains a blog with writings ranging from the very personal to highly-technical and academic, as well as a mailing list with mental-health tips and tricks at

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Poor Blood Flow - Blood Circulation Problems and Its Treatments

Poor Blood Flow - Are you suffering tingling, burning, numbness or cramps in the hands, calves or Leg? Having shortness of breath; lack of energy; irregular heartbeats; poor memory; lack of stamina or pale complexion? Find skin sores heal slowly or don't heal at all? If the answer is "YES" to two or more of these symptoms then it is quiet likely you are just one of millions population who suffer from poor blood flow or poor blood circulation. Now you may think these symptoms are not a big deal. But make no mistake about it? This is SERIOUS, in-fact Potentially Life Threatening!

Poor Blood Flow Symptoms

Poor Blood Flow/Circulation is previously known only affecting those of middle-age and the elderly, it is now more widespread among younger people. Many people underestimate the occurrence of these impaired circulation symptoms. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor circulation do not develop overnight, rather they begin in a very mild form, and steadily worsen as time goes on.

Poor Blood Circulation is characterized by limited blood supply throughout the body, particularly in the peripheral areas such as the hands, legs, and feet. It is commonly causing tingling and numbness sensation in the hands and feet, it changes in the skin color - red, purple and blue in very severe cases. Changes in the temperature in certain body parts, mostly manifested by cold feet and hands, long healing period of skin infections, cuts and sores, muscle cramps, etc. This is because the reduced blood flow is most pronounced in these areas - the farthest in the body from the heart.

If left untreated, can result in a myriad of chronic conditions and cause irreversible damage, affecting key organs of the body, notably the brain and the heart and causing problems ranging anywhere from varicose veins, hypertension, diabetes, angina, arteriosclerosis, kidney damage to a stroke. The smoothness of blood flow is crucial since circulatory system facilitates the movement of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of our body, a variety of health problems could occur owing to the limited flow of blood to your heart, hands and feet.

It might also cause chest pain, shortness of breath, altered heart rate, low energy, feeling tired easily or all the time, loss of memory, lack of mental clarity, lack of stamina, feeling lethargic, unexplained headaches and sudden dizziness. Poor blood flow might cause pain in the legs while walking or any physical activity but once sitting down the pain goes away. Lack of blood circulation in the body can also damage the liver and kidneys. When your major organs do not receive adequate oxygen and nutrition, it can result in chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancer which potentially Claim Your Life!

Proper healing of wounds requires blood flow to the injured area. If blood circulation is impeded, as in the case whenever circulation problems are present, the body is not getting the blood flow it needs in order to heal correctly. This results in a much slower healing of any wounds, and, in advanced cases, the wound may not heal at all.

Libido as well as erectile dysfunction is a touchy subject for many people, even though it is still an important component of good health; this may be one of the most difficult symptoms of poor circulation to confirm. Normal intimate functioning requires a healthy blood flow, and impaired circulation will significantly impede such function.

Causes of Poor Blood Flow

Poor Blood Flow more rampant due to sedentary lifestyles. Sitting in a wrong posture for prolonged period and lack of exercise are amongst the most common causes of poor blood flow.

Poor dietary habits (imbalanced diets) also increase the risk of developing poor blood flow which then leads to circulatory system diseases and disorders. Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine, use of certain drugs or smoking could also be responsible for poor blood flow.

Obesity affects million adults and teenagers around the world, and is fast becoming a worldwide epidemic and there are many problems arising from being obese-these can range from heart disease through to diabetes through to lower leg circulation problems where blood is not able to get from the lower part of the body. In Men, obesity decreases blood flow to penis thereby causes sexual or erectile dysfunction.

Treatment for Poor Blood Flow

Fortunately, treatment is simple and generally relatively inexpensive. In some cases even reversible, especially when you start treatment early when poor blood flow symptoms first appear. When it comes to your continued health, the effort it takes to improve leg circulation is more than worth it.

Changing your lifestyle - a balanced diet, limiting fats and cholesterol food - is one of the best ways to promote and maintain circulatory health. High cholesterol levels can lead to clogged arteries, plaque deposits and hypertension, eating a high fiber and low-fat diet will help keep blood flowing. Getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting smoking will all help, as well. Yoga is another useful exercise for improving blood circulation. Headstand is very useful for improving your blood circulation, keep your body fit and also provide nourishment to the pituitary glands and the pineal glands of the brain.

Drink plenty of water for proper hydration. Avoid saturated and trans fats, condensed milk, refined sugars in your diet and products that contain it, as well caffeine, red meat and products with white refined flour. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health, particularly oranges, which provide high levels of bio-flavonoids to promote blood flow while also strengthening capillaries. Watermelon is a natural source of lycopene, which has been known to help prevent plaque buildup, a common hindrance to blood flow, to help promote healthy circulation. Garlic is very beneficial for poor circulation, so you should eat plenty of it. Consider the usage of herbal supplements such as Ginkgo biloba, rosemary and vitamin E are recommended.

Massage therapy is another great way to improve poor circulation by releasing contracted muscles and pushes venous blood towards the heart thus easing the strain on this vital organ. In addition, it increases rich-oxygen red blood cell count helping to bring even more oxygen to your cells and organs.

Steam, Sauna or Jacuzzi is also very beneficial, the heat stimulates your blood vessels near your skin's surface to expand, and more oxygen will enter to your body parts and muscles, which in turn helps increasing the blood flow to different body parts. The steam stimulates the lymphatic system to increase blood circulation.

Hot and cold showers or Hydrotherapy is another method of improving blood circulation. Hot showers followed by cold ones, but of course without extreme changes in the water temperature. The hot water will cause the blood vessels near the surface of the skin to dilate so that more blood can flow, cool down and maintain the right temperature, whereas the cold water will cause the vessels to restrict, and keep the blood away from the surface to maintain correct temperature. When these two mechanisms are alternated several times, it gets the blood circulating, bringing oxygen to skin, muscles and tissue.

Irwan Lee is the health practitioner who has been involved in natural treatment for 8 years. Click here for update information on Healthy living guide.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

6 Common Topics for Medical Videos

With the growth of the internet and streaming services medical videos have become a valuable resource for many people. They are used by a variety of internet surfers, from the patient that wants to know more about a particularly treatment to the medical student who needs to learn more for their studies, from a person worried about a loved one to a doctor looking at new methods of practice.

Whatever the reason behind it however there are a multitude of resources out there which can help with all manner of different subjects, ailments, issues and conditions. Some of the more common issues discussed in medical videos are highlighted below.

1. Allergies
Videos about allergies range from introducing the subject to more in-depth scientific information on their causes. As a patient such information can help you to understand why you may have an allergy or even to spot the signs and prevent future outbreaks.

2. Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is an emotive issue and videos on this subject can be extremely helpful for both patients and loved ones to understand how the condition affects people whilst providing information on the ways to spot early symptoms so that proactive measures can be taken.

3. Cancer
There are fewer more worrying words in the English language than cancer and understandably the desire for video content around the issue is immense. Content around the subject of cancer can mean anything from symptoms and treatments to real life stories from people that have survived, offering hope to those living with cancer.

4. Dental
When we are at the dentists we rarely understand precisely what is going on while the dentist works on our teeth and this is where animations and videos from experts can be extremely helpful in telling us precisely what is involved in various treatments and procedures.

5. Diabetes
Diabetes is becoming an increasingly large problem within the UK, particularly Type II diabetes which can manifest itself later in life. For people living with diabetes a great deal of emphasis is placed upon diet and health and as such further information and video content can be extremely helpful in providing advice and guidance.

6. Obesity
Another growing problem amongst the population is obesity. Obesity receives a great deal of media coverage and as such there is a remarkable amount of content providing people with advice on how they can lose weight, monitor their weight and also explanations of the various medical treatments which have been developed to combat obesity.

Above is only a small selection of the topics covered in medical videos, but it does give some idea of the help which is available out there should you need to find advice, guidance or simply further information on any given medical subject.

When looking for medical videos ensure that the information contained is presented by experts, who understand the intricacies of the field and subject matter intrinsically. Ultimately you should only watch videos from a trustworthy source.

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Sun Safety Advice - How To Stay Safe From The Sun When Outdoors

Without the sun we cannot exist, it is simple as that. Sun safety is however important as overexposure to the sun's UV rays can cause various health problems, both immediately and/or in the future.

Skin cancer is often caused by years of overexposure to the sun and is the most common form of cancer in the US today. While sun poisoning and heatstroke are among possible immediate health problems and can be life threatening.

By following these practical sun safety tips, you can reduce your risk of developing any health problems related to overexposure to the sun.

Your Travel Destination

Where you are travelling can affect how much precautions you need to take. The closer you are to the equator the more direct sunlight you get. Altitude does also matter, the UV radiation levels increases about 10% for every 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) in altitude.

Water, white sand, concrete as well as snow and ice reflect the sun's rays and can cause you to sunburn faster. You should therefore take extra precautions if your vacation includes these risk factors, e.g. when on beach vacation or skiing holiday.

Make a habit of checking the UV index for your destination prior to travelling.

Avoid The Midday Sun

The higher the sun is in the sky, the higher the UV radiation level is so you should avoid the midday sun as much as you can. You are most likely to be sunburned between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon when the sunrays are the strongest.

Find Shade

Stay in the shade whenever possible. Walk on the shadow side of the road and rest under trees or parasols.

Wear Sun Protection Clothing

Wearing sun protective clothing is the best way to protect your skin. It works better than covering your skin with normal clothes or covering your body with sunscreen.

Sun protection clothes should offer minimum rating of UPF 30. You should still wear sunscreen on all exposed skin.

Sun Protection Hat

Sun protection hat protects your face and head, and plays an important role in your overall sun safety, i.e. combined with your sun protection clothes and sunscreen.

The best sun protection hat, i.e. the one that gives maximum protection, should have UPF rating of at least 50 and hat brim that is at least 3 inches (7.7 cm) or more. Any hat is though better than no hat at all.

Use Sunscreen

Use sunscreen in addition to your sun protection clothing, not instead of it. Choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. The higher the sun protection factor is the longer the protection will last.

Apply sunscreen to all parts of your body that are exposed. Start about an inch under the ends of your sleeves and trousers legs. If you use makeup or insect repellent, wear your sunscreen underneath, i.e. apply the sunscreen first on your skin.

High altitudes and fresh snow can double your exposure to UV radiation. Always use special sunscreen for high altitude when in the mountains, e.g. when skiing.

Nb. you can sunburn on cloudy days as well, so always wear sunscreen when outdoors.

Protect Your Eyes

Sunglasses are essential for preventing sun damage to your eyes. The most important thing to consider when choosing sunglasses is the amount of UV rays they block. For the best protection look for sunglasses that block all UV radiation, i.e. offer 100% UV protection or up to 400 nanometers.

Wraparound sunglasses or sunglasses with side panels will protect your eyes from all angles and offer the best protection.

Children Are Special Risk Group

Children under the age of 15 have more sensitive skin and eyes than adults, making them special risk group. Children under one year of age must never stay in direct sun.

Most of lifetime UV exposure occurs before the age of 18 as children tend to play outdoors. It is therefore vital that parents and other guardians protect their children from the sun and teaches them necessary sun safety tips.

Teach them to play in the shade, wear sun protection clothing and sun hats, use sunscreen, and limit their time outdoors during the midday.

IMPORTANT: Sun damage accumulates so it is never too early, nor too late, to start taking necessary sun safety precautions.

Sun Protection Clothing offers advice on how sun protective clothes work and what to look out for when buying them. Sun Protection Hat advices why you should wear sun hat and what makes a good sun protection hat.

Asa Gislason and her husband are the founders of Top Travel Tips, travel website that offers comprehensive and unbiased travel advice that can save you both time and money when planning your next trip.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Medical Professions: Doctors And Optometrist

Medical professions are in demand and receive high compensation. Aside from that, they also save us from harm or danger. They also help us and teach us how to take care of ourselves.


A medical degree can be frightfully expensive, but once they get to practice their profession, it is all worth it because of the salary. Doctors can save lives and help people during emergency cases. The only problem is that since there are only few people who are willing to have a degree in medicine, their work hours are sometimes unlimited. They are often on call especially during emergency situations. There are some doctors who have chosen to work in rural areas and serve the poor people, while others choose to serve families in the urban area because they can get higher compensation in those places.

Doctors are extremely valuable not only because they can cure sick people, but the way how they save lives is a critical factor in their profession. There are even times wherein they cannot rest due to emergency situations because they need to be with their sick patients. It is not easy for some people to achieve the status of being a doctor because they need to spend 8 years in school, 4 years in college level and the other 4 years in a medical school. After that, they still need to undergo a residency program or service to enhance their knowledge in medicine.


Optometrists are also doctors, but they specialize more on vision care. Their concern is to provide optimum vision care for everyone. They often diagnose and treat patients who have vision problems. Aside from that, they also cure diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, uveitis, stye, allergies, and many more diseases that may affect normal vision of their patients. Other optometrists specialize in providing contact lenses and glasses to their patients. Most of them have their own medical offices and have their own lists of patients. Although they also work in hospitals, it will be practical for them to maintain their own clinic because they can also sell other products to their patients.

In order to become an optometrist, one has to take a four-year course related to optometry, and they also need to take an admission test or examination. Medical practitioners such as a credible dentist, doctors, optometrist and other medical profession are extremely helpful during emergency cases. Although they spent most of their time studying, researching, and doing practical work, they still make it a point that they have time to serve their patients.

Lori Buenavista has been in the field of dentistry for a long time and maintains a website about Utah dentist where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

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The Use of Blood Alcohol Level Measurement

The measurement of a person's blood alcohol level is used by law enforcement departments all over the world to test if a person is fit to drive or not. Almost all countries have strict laws on drinking and driving. Some countries in fact have a zero tolerance to drinking and driving so any level of alcohol in the blood while driving is illegal. In countries where a limit is applied, blood alcohol content is used to classify how intoxicated a person is and gives an idea of how drunk a person is. The degree of impairment based on alcohol content in the blood varies from person to person, so it can only ever be a rough guide, but is considered good enough to show that someone is intoxicated and unfit to drive.

The alcohol level allowed in the blood when driving varies from country to country. Some, as said, have a zero tolerance, this reflects the fact that the only safe blood alcohol level for driving is zero. Even one drink can have a hugely detrimental effect on your ability to drive. In the United States the legal blood alcohol level is 0.08%. But this doesn't mean you are actually safe to drive if you are below this level. Some people choose not to drink at all if they are planning to drive. Some people make this decision because they are more aware of the impairment than other people. It may be that they are actually more impaired, because everyone reacts differently to alcohol.

The blood alcohol level is derived from the amount of alcohol that has been drunk by a person and the rate at which the particular drinker's body metabolizes the alcohol. Because the body takes the alcohol in at quit a constant rate drinking quickly will raise the blood alcohol concentration at a faster rate. Coordination is one of the first things to go although the person may not be fully aware of the loss it can still be quite significant. A small amount of alcohol in the blood can also make people seem and fell more relaxed quite quickly. These combine to reduce the person's level of caution. This happens quite quickly in the process of intoxication and will have an effect on a person's decision making and reactions.

The above effects of a low blood alcohol level come into play before the 0.08% level is reached. Also before this level a person will experience some balance and vision impairment. They may also have problems with their speech. All these things combine to cause potential problems when driving. Once the 0.08% level is passed these problems become significant in most. Unfortunately it is still a level where many people will not have recognised the effects themselves. This is why the level is set here in the States and other countries. But, as said, the level is arbitrary and it is thought by some that any amount of alcohol in the blood is too much to be able to say that a person is save to drive.

blood alcohol level helps you know about it so that you can learn clearly about blood alcohol level.

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How Can Women Stay Fit And Healthy In This Day And Age?

Both men and women find it hard to stay in shape as they get older, but in this article I discuss how women, in particular, can successfully stay in shape. It is all too easy to pile on the pounds and lose your discipline, particularly after you have had children and move into your forties and fifties, but it is possible to stay fit and healthy, with a body you can be proud of.

The truth is that there are lots of things you can do to help you achieve this goal. For a start you can give up some of the things that are notoriously bad for you. So if you are a heavy smoker or drinker, you should seriously consider giving up cigarettes and alcohol, although just restricting yourself to the occasional alcoholic beverage will make a big difference to your health.

You should also try and eliminate stress from your life. This is easier said than done of course, particularly as stress levels seem to go up as you get older, but practicing breathing exercises and things like yoga and meditation will certainly help.

Exercise will also help reduce stress from your life. It will also keep you fit and healthy, and enable you to maintain a beautiful body if you are getting sufficient amounts. The key is to do lots of cardiovascular work such as running, cycling or swimming in order to stay slim. If this is too much for you, then consider doing plenty of walking because this will help burn off some extra calories, albeit to a lesser degree.

As you get older, it becomes harder to hold on to your looks. So skin care is absolutely essential. The best way to look after your skin is to apply lots of sun cream when you are outside, and apply moisturiser on a regular basis. You should also be drinking plenty of water because this will be help keep your skin clear.

Talking of water, it is important that you sit back and take a look at your diet because this is one of the main ways you can stay fit and healthy. If you are eating a lot of junk food, then you will almost certainly look and feel well below your best. So try and eat plenty of nutritious food, including plenty of fruit and vegetables, and stay below or close to your recommended daily calorie intake, which is around 2000 calories for women (according to the FDA).

If you are not getting sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, then you can always take some multivitamins to give you all the nutrients you need. However this shouldn't be necessary if you are following a healthy diet.

Anyway the point is that there are lots of ways for women to stay fit and healthy as they older. The key factors are undoubtedly exercise and diet. If you eat all the right foods, take plenty of exercise, and maybe take a diet supplement to help suppress your appetite and burn extra calories when you do exercise, then you can still look great well into your later years.

If you would like to find out more about some of the best diet supplements on the market, you can do so by checking out this Capsiplex review and by reading all about the Meratol diet pills.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 Things to Expect in Blood Borne Pathogen Training

Healthcare workers and other people who work with blood and human body fluids are always at a great risk of contracting deadly diseases like Hepatitis B and C and HIV through exposure from infected blood. It is, therefore, important for such staff to be trained to handle blood samples and fluids with great care to keep their lives out of danger.

Blood Borne pathogen training helps educate healthcare staff in hospitals, medical centers, paramedics, laboratories etc to do their job carefully. Listed below is a framework of the training program.

• The Prevention System: Workers associated with the healthcare sector and related fields are required to be vaccinated. The most important vaccines would be three shots of Hepatitis B given over specified intervals to maximize the body's immunity. Unfortunately, Hepatitis C and HIV still don't have vaccines. Therefore, utmost care has to be taken because such diseases are deadly with no precautionary medicines and are also not curable.

• The Engineering System: Medical waste disposal can be a major health problem if not done in an effective and proper manner. Special care has to be taken when the waste to be disposed off is caked with blood, dried blood or other body fluid. Medical waste is required to be segregated and packed in respective containers, labeled with warnings and then disposed off.

• The Workplace System: Healthcare workers should be trained to take care of themselves during work and to handle special situations. Sometimes, there are situations which demand the services of healthcare workers in very unhygienic environments like accidents, first aid services, spillage of body fluids and laboratory mishaps. The services of workers who have been fully trained under Blood Borne pathogen training should be employed in such cases. Wearing protective gear is mandatory. Exposed body parts should be washed immediately and the area should be disinfected. While working in such situations, minimum mess must be created. When in doubt of exposure, the healthcare worker should not drink, eat or perform any activity that may require touching his own sensitive body parts.

• Protective Gear: Proper protective gear has to worn every time healthcare workers are in an exposed environment. Latex gloves, shields for the face, protective goggles and aprons should be worn before handling blood and body fluid related situations. Before wearing the gloves, hands should be properly bandaged in case of any cuts. Proper protocol should be followed while handling the gear.

• Steps upon exposure: Upon contact with body fluids of an infected person, immediate action must be taken. The affected areas must be washed immediately, with running water, and scrubbed with antibacterial solutions. The contaminated area is required to be cleaned with Clorox and the used scrubs, cloves and other disposables used must be packed, labeled and disposed off.

It is very essential for rescue staff and support staff to be completely trained on the prevention of Blood Borne pathogens. Healthy bodies can also be infected if proper precautions are not taken. Therefore, minimum required training should be provided to all to help save lives and reduce the risk of infections.

For more information please visit our Bloodborne Pathogen Training and First Aid Training web pages.

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What You Should Know About Total Joint Replacement Surgery

Because our joints don't bother us often now, we take for granted that we have the ability to walk, jog, run, bend over or reach out for things. But as we age, some may need total joint replacement surgery because of conditions that affect them like injuries that involve our joints or rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. While these have been challenging operations to recover from in the past, advances in technology and techniques have reduced recovery time dramatically.

To understand why joint replacement is necessary it's important to understand how the joints work. What makes the joints work smoothly is the cartilage where the bones come together at a joint, no matter if it is the hip, knee, elbow, ankle or the shoulder. Cartilage allows for pain free and frictionless movement and typically has a smooth texture. But movement can become rather painful when the cartilage is severely worn or damaged. When the joint is worn enough to cause bone on bone rubbing, even minor daily activities like walking, traversing stairs and even bending over becomes painful and difficult. As it becomes worse, it can become totally debilitating.

Replacing the damaged cartilage with plastic or metal joints and relieving as much pain as possible is the ultimate goal by surgery becoming an option. By replacing the cartilage, complete joint movement and functionality can be restored which in turn restores mobility. For those patients who choose total joint replacement surgery, many can have their quality of life returned and gain back their independence.

Fortunately, surgery for total joint replacement is not as traumatic as it has been in the past for patients because of the technology available today. Patients can even begin to move the new joint the same day as having the surgery with many of the surgeries for shoulder and knee replacement. Instead of being forced to spend weeks in a hospital, many patients can go home within a short time, usually a few days, after surgery and will be able to do most of their rehabilitation in a home setting.

Having a proactive health routine at home including physical rehabilitative therapy is necessary to ensure the new joint functions as well as possible. Every patient will have a different amount of time with how quickly they recover and become active after surgery to replace the joint. You can better prepare by knowing what to expect if your doctor says your best option is surgery.

When the professionals are experienced and caring to your loved ones means it is important to find the right Denver home care givers. Patty Morris researched Littleton home care to make sure her loved ones got the best care available.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Your Emotions Affect Your Bone Health

Your bone health and your emotions are linked, but when you think of improving your bone health, you likely think about doing physical things - perhaps exercise more, especially weight bearing. Or eat higher quality food. Or take certain supplements.

While these are all important and valid in and of themselves, they do not complete the picture of what it takes to achieve full health of bones. That's because bones exist in bodies, and bodies are affected by emotions.

But can there be a link between bone health and emotional health? Or if there is, is it significant enough to affect bone health for better or worse?

The short answer is yes, absolutely. Here is one way your emotional health affects your bone health, and affects it significantly.

First, every emotion you feel has a corresponding 'molecule of emotion'. That's the term Candace Pert, PhD., used to describe how thoughts become physical and direct our bodies. That's how we're designed.

The problem comes in when we have emotions we don't resolve. In other words, we don't get done with them. What happens then is that they keep replaying, and when they replay, they bathe our bodies in those same 'molecules of emotion' over and over. The short story is that in this kind of circumstance, those molecules make our bodies run more acid than is good for us.

But a bodily state that's too acidic means all manner of physiological processes can't run the way they need to. And the symptoms we may develop are our bodies' way of telling us that. "Hey, we're too acid, we can't do our work in here!" is what they're saying, but they say it via symptoms. We're too acid and we experience nervous irritability, feelings of suffocation, lump in the throat, dry mouth, we sigh frequently, are overly sensitive to bright light, noises, are easily breathless, abnormally sensitive to pain, preferring to be alone rather than in social contact etc.

These are symptoms that are occurring in our bodies but originating in our emotional selves. How is our body to deal with this?

Since our bodies are smart and self-balancing, they work to correct this situation right away. And the way they do that is to take calcium from our bones and return it to circulation so it moves things back in the direction of alkalinity.

So, an emotional state that's 'stuck on replay' is an emotional state that sets the body up to rob the bones.

Given the new science about these links between our emotions and our bones, it's a good time for our conversation about bones to include 'emotional osteopenia' and 'emotional osteoporosis.'

What does a healthy emotional life looks like? Find out at go to You'll learn about thriving vs. surviving, emotional nourishment vs. toxicity, emotional life in childhood vs. adulthood, your emotional nature and that which was (or was not) nurtured, healthy boundary-making and more. Next online class series starts Sept. 12.

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Things You Need To Know About Treatments for Folliculitis Decalvans

Folliculitis decalvans on the scalp comes under the category of neutrophilic cicatricial alopecias. This is a commonly found primary scarring alopecia, with an incidence rate of 1.9-11.2% in those diagnosed with any form of scarring alopecia. The condition is typified by a destructive, suppurative folliculitis, meaning inflammation of the hair follicle with the presence of pus. The said infection has been described as a cicatrical alopecia characterized by erythematous scalp with pustules around the hair follicles, commonly called Folliculitis. Each crop of pustules results in progression of hair loss. Follicle destruction and scarring with permanent hair loss is the end-result of the condition.

The term cicatricial alopecia encompasses a diverse group of disorders characterized by permanent destruction of the hair follicle and irreversible hair loss. The onset of folliculitis decalvans can occur at any time after adolescence. Although the role of the bacteria as a cause of the disease is unproven, an abnormal host response to S. Aureus has been implicated by many authors. A genetically determined immune deficiency with increased risk of follicular infection is another possibility supported by case studies. Both acquired and inherited immune disturbances are associated with folliculitis decalvans.

One school of thought considers this as a subset of Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA). These authors purport that the pustules seen in it are a manifestation of either bacterial superinfectio or an intense immune response to degenerating follicular components. According to their studies, if inflamed but non-pustular areas of affected individuals are sent for biopsy, the histological findings are similar to those seen in Follicular Degeneration syndrome or pseudopelade. As it broadly overlaps with pseudopelade and Follicular Degeneration syndrome, these authors believe that folliculitis decalvans represents the same basic pathological process.

Until quite recently, folliculitis decalvans was a difficult condition to treat, and prognosis of patients afflicted with this form of alopecia was also rather bleak. As a rule, intact pustules should be cultured, and sensitivity to various antibiotics should be determined. The condition can be controlled temporarily to some degree by administering anti-staphylococcal antibiotics such as erythromycin, cephalosporins, trimethroprim/ sulfamethoxozole, clindamycin, or a fluoroquinalone with or without rifampin. Additionally, anti-nuetrophilic and broad-spectrum antibiotics have been found to be variably and temporarily effective.

In addition with Folliculitis decalvans, Rifampin, a bacteriocidal drug, with the combined use of fusidic acid and zinc has led to successful remission lasting from months to years in some patients under study. It is important to remember that Rifampin should never be used alone. The exact scientific base of the use of zinc is not established, but in all probability, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and can modulate the immune response. Rifampin and fusidic acid are probably effective because of their excellent intracellular penetration and pathogen eradication potential.

Folliculitis decalvans can mimic classic folliculitis, acne necrotica, lichen planopilaris, discoid lupus erythematosus, and dissecting cellulitis (also called perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens). Other than that, all forms of treatment have their own side effects, and benefits of treatment must be evaluated against the consequences of the drugs. Rifampin causes red staining of bodily secretions including tears. Zinc at high dosage levels competes with copper metabolism and can result in severe refractory anemia and neutropenia, a hematological disorder.

Diagnosis of the condition is based on clinical, microbiological, histo-pathological and laboratory features. Grouped follicular pustules as seen in folliculitis decalvans are not seen in ordinary folliculitis or acne necrotica. Dissecting cellulitis can be distinguished easily as early pustules and papule formation develop immediately into dermal nodules. In addition, folliculitis decalvans does not display the sinus tract formation in histological skin biopsies, a characteristic typical of dissecting folliculitis.

Steven Jan Clark is a writer for almost a year and usually he used to write about interesting topics like travel, adventures, internet facts, hair problems like pityrosporum folliculitis scalp, pseudomonas folliculitis symptoms and many others.

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