On more occasions than one you might have thought of starting on some kind of exercising, but lack of time, typical excuses or sheer laziness may have kept you away from actually starting it. But it is never too late to begin, and considering the many advantages of exercising, you should find a little time each day to fit in an exercise program.
To begin with, exercising helps to keep your body more fit which in turn wards off various health problems. Also a toned and energetic body gives you a sense of wellness and boosts your confidence. However, if you are exercising after a long gap of time or have a certain health condition, you must consult your doctor before you proceed.
You can start your exercise program with these 5 systematic steps below.
• Warming up
Never start off on heavy exercising immediately. First you must do some light warming up exercises to prepare the body for more intense exercising that is to follow. This helps to increase the blood circulation in your body and generates heat in your joints and muscles.
• Cardiovascular Activity
Once warmed up, you can start with an aerobic kind of activity like running, cycling or just walking. The treadmill is the best equipment for this kind of activity. You must begin with a slower walk and gradually increase your speed, or adjust the incline if using a treadmill. Cardiovascular exercise should be ideally done for 20 to 30 minutes. Any easy way to know if you are overdoing it is to see if you can talk normally after this exercise, if you feel too tired then slow down.
• Strength Training
This helps to reduce body fat and tone up your muscles. Different kinds of exercises are done to target separate muscles groups. You must start very slowly by doing only one set (number of times you can repeat a particular exercise) of exercise for the main muscle groups. You can go on increasing the sets when you think you can do more without too much strain. Free weights like dumbbells and barbells, and weight machines are used for this activity.
• Stretching
This helps to increase the range of movement of your joints, improves your flexibility, boosts circulation, and also relieves stress. Stretching after the above exercises also balances your entire program. Stretching for 10 to 30 seconds each is recommended, and you should breathe freely while doing so. While it is alright to do light stretching during warm ups, you must save the bulk for later, because too much stretching initially can injure your joints and muscles due to insufficient heat.
• Cooling Down
Like warming up, cooling down is also important. After exercising heavily, you must continue the exercise at a reduced intensity till your heart rate and breathing normalizes. An abrupt stop is not desirable.
So now that you are all set to start on your exercising regime, remember to start very slowly, and to increase the intensity and duration of the exercise as your body gets more and more used to the regime.
For more information please visit our Life Safety Training and Latex Allergy Training web pages.
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