Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Colonic Irrigation - Good Or Bad?

Colonic irrigation, or Hydrotherapy, is a technique that has been around since Egyptian times in one form or another. But is it any good for you and does it help in the anti-aging process?

Colonic irrigation involves inserting a tube into the rectum and flushing out with water and a 'colon cleansing' product. The theory behind this procedure Is that when food enters the intestine it is not broken down properly due to a variety of reasons including poor diet and insufficient exercise. Instead the waste food stays in the intestine, caught in crevices in the bowel wall, rotting away and causing toxins to be released thru the bowel wall into the rest of the body. They believe this causes 'auto-intoxication'.

The practice was popular in the late 1880s, but fell out of favor in 1919 when The American Medical Association condemned it. It has become popular again due to the endorsements of certain high profile media celebrities'.

Advocates of Colonic irrigation say some of this waste may take years to accumulate and you could be re-absorbing concentrated amounts of it back in to your body. They also state the only way to clear this 'toxic waste' from your body is by Colonic irrigation. However many in the medical profession disagree with these theories and believe that the procedure can be positively harmful. In fact a search of the medical research, carried out at Georgetown University, has found no evidence of any good quality studies to support the procedure.

Leading British Gastroenterologists at the London Clinic say that some of the claims made by advocates of the procedure are 'nonsense'. The idea that faecal matter can stick to the bowel walls in crevices for years is just plain incorrect. Waste matter keeps on moving thru the bowel, no matter what. One gastroenterologist states "The bowel wall is smooth; if there are any hidden crevices in there I would have seen them with my camera"

Experts are also concerned that Colonic irrigation may disturb the mini eco-system in the gut that consists of friendly bacteria (three to four pounds in a healthy adult). They believe that by washing this eco-system away you may be doing real harm to your body. The friendly bacteria live in a delicate balance in the intestine, and have been called the bodies 'disease fighting control center' as its role in immune function is so important to our general health. The resident bacteria keep our intestinal walls healthy and intact, preventing toxins leaking elsewhere, causing inflammation and disease. The experts believe that Colonic irrigation interferes with efficient digestion and immune function.

Apart from the dubious benefits offered by Colonic irrigation, there is also widespread concern about the physical damage and potential side effects of the procedure.

An inexperienced practitioner runs the risk of causing serious damage, such as a perforated colon. Reported side effects of the procedure include: vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, kidney problems, dehydration and infections. One recently reported case was of a 49 year old man, who within an hour of the procedure, developed vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pains. He needed several days of hospital treatment for dehydration, low potassium levels and an inflamed pancreas.

So, how do we ensure good Colon Health? Leading nutritionists say good food with plenty of fibre and as little saturated fats as possible will go a long way to ensure a healthy colon. They also recommend lean proteins including skinless turkey or chicken breast, healthy fats from foods such as olive oil, avocado, and wild cold water fish like salmon and mackerel. As always in health matters they also recommend a healthy dose of..... exercise!

The choice is yours. You will find many proponents of Colonic irrigation on the internet, but think carefully before having the procedure, and like all medical procedures, consult your Healthcare Professional first.

Susie Fox

View the original article here

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