Sunday, September 18, 2011

Diet and Fitness - Every Little Bit Adds Up

What is stopping you from beginning a new diet and fitness plan? Often time's people say they just don't have the time. They don't have an hour to spare a few times a week that most workout plans require. This may be true for many of us, but it is not an excuse to ignore our health. Working out and eating right isn't just about being buff, although that is quite a nice benefit. Exercise and good nutrition are not luxuries or chores or something you will do when you have more time. A healthy lifestyle is key for your long-term physical and mental health.

So let's say we agree that you have to live a healthier lifestyle but you are still too busy to workout within a normal exercise routine. Like the title says, every little bit adds up. What if you took 10 minutes a few times a day and did a few body weight exercises? That adds up to a ½ hour workout in a day. Do that Monday to Friday and that adds up to 2 ½ hours of exercise each week. Maybe not the most optimal, but it will make a big difference in how you look and feel in the long haul.

Everyone and I mean absolutely everyone can take 10 minutes a few times a day. If not 10 minute breaks do 5 minutes. Do 1 set of a few exercises every so often throughout the day. The difference will be dramatic.

For example, say you did 1 set of push ups, 1 set of squats, and 1 set of crunches. Let's say you did 10 repetitions for push ups and squats, and 20 repetitions for crunches. How long would that take you? Definitely less than 5 minutes. Let's say you did these 5 times a day. That would be 50 push ups and 50 squats and 100 crunches a day. That would be 250 push ups and squats a week and 500 crunches to boot. This volume of work over the course of months and years ahead will keep you very, very strong. You see it doesn't take much effort to make a change.

Combine this kind of work with a few other changes in your life and it all really starts to add up and make changes. Walk more; it's as simple as that. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. For shorter distances walk instead of drive. Play with your kids. Walk your dog. Be more active in your everyday life. This will help your heart, help you burn calories, help you clear your head, and keep you fit.

If you really want to lose weight fast you have to eat better. This isn't about reducing calories so much as about eating the kind of food your body needs. It can be delicious and filling, it just requires you to change your habits. Fast food and processed foods need to be minimized to no more than 3 cheat meals a week. The soda pop and fruit juices need to be replaced with water, water, water. Whole foods, plenty of fibre, quality protein are must-haves. Does a thick steak with brown rice and a side of asparagus sound like you're sacrificing for a diet? Just an example of a typical meal made of whole foods. Be creative and you won't feel like you're giving up when you avoid the junk foods. Diet and fitness doesn't have to be hard.

If you want to learn more about diet and fitness ask the people who know. will show you how lose weight fast and get you strong, lean.

View the original article here

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