Sunday, July 31, 2011

Voice training is the only way to stop your vocal abuse

Recently received I an email from nurse tell me that they are long suffering time singing shouting to their deaf patients to be heard not in the position, the high notes more, for one of hoarseness has and always clearing throat dry. Does any of these symptoms sound familiar? Might not the shouting business, but if you are experiencing chronic hoarseness or your vocal range lost or if your throat drier than in the past, there is a you very good chance is that you have vocal abuse.

Unfortunately this type of abuse does not magically on an own goes until you change to the nature and way, way in which you produce your voiced sound. There I no special exercises or tips, which besides can offer:

1. take the pressure of your neck and vocal folds (cable); and,.
2. use your chest as your primary sounding board. In other words is the bottom line, what is the right approach in voice training.

This woman also admitted that she was a flat breather. Breathe in fact 99% of the population across the upper chest, which means that 99% of the population vote in the first place of the throat (neck makes) and larynx (answering machine), and that is the problem.

The human body has 5 resonators responsible for voiced sound. Two of them, are of course voids of your throat and voice mail. In addition, you help your mouth and nasal cavities to produce sound. However, the 4th resonator is your chest cavity. Breathe due to the flat, this cavity is not be used, which means that you hard pushing of your throat and voice box not only to your sound, but also for the disk.

To avoid abuse, you have the pressure of the throat. There are around no other way to get him. Here are the abuse to stop immediately and discover a larger, warmer, deeper voice than the one you have used out of the habit. Whose voice this kind of resonance sound have such as Sean Connery, Diane Sawyer, Cher and James Earl Jones. Their vote together all share one characteristic: their sound is warm, like a blanket around his shoulders. Soothing, soft, full, rich and deep.

In addition, as soon as you discover your chest or your "real" voice, you are can then increase your volume without shouting. It really is an amazing process.

If you value, stop your voice you abuse now. As your primary sounding board information use to breathe and your chest. Love the difference!

The voice of Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, companies and group workshops in language and presentation skills as well as voicing it!, the only video training program on improvement of the voice. If you have a dramatic "before & after ' clip would like to see, visit dynamic voice and look on Craig's video in the middle of the page."

View the original article here

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