Friday, July 15, 2011

Urinary incontinence and its helped products

Usually older men whose prostate you get enlarged glands are more prone to this disease - suffer as the younger. It occurs in women, injuries in the difficult delivery of a child were not adequately recovered tissue where.

The most common types of urinary incontinence are as follows:

1. Stress incontinence: when that support the muscles, pelvic floor the base of the bladder and close off the top of the urethra (the channel that you pass urine through)-schwache will laugh all pressure on them by the sudden change of position, coughing, or sneezing, causes that dribble of the urine involuntarily. This is called stress incontinence.

2. Urge incontinence: If you cannot, control urine keep during noise on a toilet in a sudden urge to urinate - then, a 'urge incontinence' means suffer.

3. Overflow incontinence: when is enlarged prostate (which surrounds the urethra at the outlet of the bladder), it depresses the urethra and thus hinder the free flow of urine from the. If this condition is allowed, long last there comes a time when the person no longer can empty his bladder at all. This complete 'urinary' - also ' overflow incontinence ' an emergency situation is called-, require the immediate medical attention.

Aid products for urinary incontinence:

A number of products have been developed in time help "/" the suffering of one of the above types of urinary incontinence relief effect.

(i) carry AIDS: a specially designed disposable underwear, the sharp edges urine in a porous outer layer and neutralises the smell, leaving the inner layer (next to the skin) relatively dry.

(Ii) an other aid which is for men, is a condom catheter, which is worn on the organ and is connected by a pipe on a bag, which can be emptied and cleaned regularly.

(Iii) self-catheterization: is a thin, sterile plastic tube into the bladder through the urethra to drain from the accumulated urine (the bubble, which otherwise do not by themselves to distribute) in a bag at the outer end of the catheter is inserted. The procedure is quite safe and can be mastered within a short time under the direction of a physician or a qualified professional.

(iv) bladder control of pads: this location sold under their famous brands, such as for example of the Walgreen and serenity, absorb more liquid than other incontinence under garments. The user can now safely reach a toilet without any painful situation experience.

(V) drought AIDS: research laboratories, the drought developed by NASA AIDS (consisting of certain chemicals) convert any type of liquid waste the dryness of maintaining one of the solid substance-so, under wears.

(vi)Medications: Medications, such as Slifenacin (VESICARE), (LYRINEL) Oxybutynin and tolterodine (DETRUSITOL) are available on the market for the treatment of urinary incontinence. With only a negligible side effects, they have demonstrated their effectiveness in the course of time.

It is advisable to try before you decide to come up for surgery as a last resort all available tools.

On finding high-quality, reliable and affordable incontinence supplies or Foley catheter? Look no further! Our high-quality products are perfect for all.

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